Privacy Policy

Traduqo has always been committed to protecting the personal data it processes. To this end, Traduqo pledges to fully comply with the current regulations applicable to the processing of personal data, and in particular, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (also known as the General Data Protection Regulation) and the Belgian law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

This Privacy Policy aims to describe how Traduqo collects, uses, and discloses your personal information, whether in connection with the assistance we provide for any questions you ask us, the services accessible via our websites, your visit to our websites or blogs, the provision of a service by you, your application for a job offer, or simply in the context of our collaboration.

This Privacy Policy applies to the personal data of users of all our websites or blogs, particularly our services, job applicants, collaborators, clients, suppliers, public or private partners, and other persons we contact in the course of developing our activities.

Please note that we may modify this Privacy Policy. Please visit our site to review any changes we publish.

1 – What types of personal data do we collect?

1.1. Visitors to our websites

It is possible to visit our websites without providing personal data. However, when you visit our site, we may automatically collect certain information, whether you choose to use our services or not. This includes your IP address and the dates, times, and frequency of your access to our site and how you navigate its content.

We automatically collect your data through cookies, according to your browser settings for the use of cookies. For more information about cookies, including how we use them and your choices, please see our “Cookie Policy” notice on our homepage.

We also collect data from you when you contact us through one of our websites/blogs, for example, using the “chat” function, the “Call me” button, or when you ask us a question via a contact form. The data we collect as a result of your request is limited to the following, which vary depending on the means and communication tool used:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Your email;
  • Your phone/mobile number;
  • Any other personal data you voluntarily provide in your message.

1.2. Users of our Services

When you use the services offered by Traduqo on one of our Sites (e.g., translation services), we may collect personal data. These personal data vary depending on the service requested.

1.2.1. Translation Services

Traduqo needs personal data to carry out the requested translation services. The type and number of data requested vary depending on the translation project.

The encoded data may be reused by all Traduqo services when the user uses our services within 30 months from the date of their last use of one of our services.

1.2.2. Advisory and Consultation Services

If you seek advice and recommendations from a Traduqo advisor regarding translation services, Traduqo may process the data mentioned under the section “Translation Services” above, or any other data you voluntarily provide, depending on your request and to provide you with the most accurate assistance possible.

1.2.3. Subscription to our newsletter

When subscribing to our Newsletter, we will collect only the following data:

  • First and last name;
  • Email address.

In the case of personalized Newsletters, Traduqo may use your service usage history and encoded data to send you targeted Newsletters.

1.3. Collaborators/partners of Traduqo

If you are a collaborator or partner of Traduqo, we may collect personal data that is limited. Traduqo typically only needs the contact details of the persons in your company who are responsible for the collaboration that binds your company with Traduqo to ensure the management and monitoring of the tasks or files handled. We will therefore request the following data:

  • First and last name;
  • Email address;
  • Phone number (mobile).

1.4. Suppliers/Subcontractors

If you are a Supplier or Subcontractor of Traduqo, we may collect personal data that is limited. Traduqo typically only needs the contact details of the persons in your company who are responsible for the subcontracting contract that binds your company with Traduqo to ensure the management and monitoring of the requested services. We will therefore request the following data:

  • First and last name;
  • Email address;
  • Phone number (mobile).

In some cases, we may collect your banking details to pay you if your account is not in your company’s name. We may also hold additional information that a person from your company has chosen to communicate to us. If, for any reason, we need additional personal data, we will inform you.

1.5. Public/Private Partners

If you are a public or private partner of Traduqo, we may collect personal data that is limited. Traduqo typically only needs the contact details of the persons in your organization/company who are responsible for the matters that bind your organization/company with Traduqo to ensure the management and monitoring of our collaboration or file. We collect the following data:

  • First and last name;
  • Email address;
  • Phone number (mobile).

We may also hold additional information that a person from your organization/company has chosen to communicate to us. If, for any reason, we need additional personal data, we will inform you.

1.6. Job applicants, interns, temporary workers, employees, independent collaborators

In the context of a job offer, internship, temporary work, or independent collaboration with Traduqo, we may collect the following data:

  • First and last name;
  • Age/date of birth;
  • Birth number;
  • Gender;
  • Marital status;
  • Contact details;
  • Education;
  • Professional experience;
  • Immigration status (need for a work permit);
  • Nationality/citizenship/place of birth;
  • A copy of your driver’s license and/or passport/identity card;
  • Social security number and other tax information;
  • Information about disability;
  • Information about any criminal convictions if required for the position you are applying for;
  • Information about your current remuneration, pension plan, and benefits;
  • Information about your interests and needs regarding your future employment;
  • Additional information you choose to communicate to us;
  • Additional information about you that our Clients/partners may communicate to us, or that we find from third-party sources;
  • IP address.

Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we may collect is not exhaustive.

These data are necessary to enable us to conclude an employment contract or to meet legal obligations.

1.7. Visitors to our premises and buildings

If you visit us at our premises and buildings, we will collect the following personal data:

  • First and last name;
  • Email;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • Any other data required to ensure compliance with our premises’ security procedures.

2. How is personal data collected?

2.1. Visit and use of our websites/blogs

We may collect certain data automatically or data you voluntarily provide via one of our websites, by email, or by phone to respond to you or provide the requested service.

2.2. Collaborators/Partners/Suppliers

We will receive personal data directly from you as follows:

  • When you proactively contact us, usually by phone or email;
  • When you access one of our websites;
  • Through our employees/collaborators as part of their duties.

If applicable and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, we may obtain further information about you through:

  • Market research conducted by third parties and online and offline media analyses (which we may conduct ourselves or through other companies);
  • Public databases.

2.3. Job applicants, employees, interns, temporary workers, or independent collaborators

We collect personal data from candidates in three ways:

  • You directly provide us with your personal data by mail or any other electronic means;
  • Your data is communicated to us by other sources such as our clients, a placement agency, a third party, a service/job offer site;
  • During your visit to one of our websites (see above).

2.4. Visitors to our buildings

We collect your personal data during your visit by recording your data in the visitor register.

3. Purposes and legal bases for processing

Generally, personal information is used only to allow us to provide the requested services, communicate with you, improve or develop our services or products, offer you targeted advertisements and services, protect ourselves as well as our clients or partners, or benefit from a service or product we have purchased from you.

More specifically, we use your personal data to:

  • Improve your use of our sites, with the legal basis being your consent regarding the use of our cookies and our legitimate interest in offering you an optimal website (Article 6,1 a and Article 6,1 f GDPR);
  • Communicate with you to respond to your questions or requests subject to your explicit consent. The legal basis is your consent (Article 6,1 a GDPR);
  • Allow you to benefit from our translation services, following the encoding of your data and acceptance of our general terms and conditions. The legal basis is the requested service contract (Article 6,1 b GDPR) when you accept our general terms and conditions and our privacy policy;
  • Execute the missions requested when you mandate us, for example, for a translation project, when you request our intervention in managing a translation or when you subscribe to a translation service through our platform or with the help of one of our advisors. The legal basis is the contract binding us (Article 6, 1 b GDPR) when you accept our service proposal via one of our websites or by any other means of communication;
  • Execute a contract (sales, subcontracting, or collaboration contract) or contact you about our agreements. The legal basis is the contract binding us and our legitimate interest in providing a service perfectly suited to your request or obtaining a service from you in accordance with our wishes (Article 6, 1 b GDPR);
  • Assess the suitability of our job offers to your profile. These are pre-contractual measures before hiring a candidate who meets our requirements (Article 6,1 b GDPR);
  • In the context of employment, manage salaries, commissions, and treatment; comply with legal provisions related to social security, occupational health, pension schemes, insurance schemes, and tax obligations; ensure you exercise and enjoy the rights and benefits linked to employment, individually or collectively; provide access and use of computerized work tools (intranet, tablets, computers, e-learning access, etc.); open an email address; ensure the termination of the employment relationship. The legal basis for this processing is the contract binding us (Article 6 1, b GDPR);
  • Comply with legal and regulatory obligations, with the legal basis being Article 6,1 c GDPR;
  • Send you invitations, promotions, offers for events, including networking events, as well as general information on sectors that may interest you. This communication is based on your explicit consent (Article 6,1 a GDPR).
  • Communicate offers and services from Traduqo related to the services you have used. This communication may be by email or phone, except for numbers listed on a “do not call” list. The legal basis is our legitimate interest (Article 6, 1 f GDPR) in offering you services similar to those you have already used with Traduqo. You can, however, refuse these direct marketing communications at any time by notifying us or via the unsubscribe link in our email communication.
  • With your prior express consent, we may share your personal information with third-party partners who may send you commercial communications related to their products and services. You can, however, refuse these direct marketing communications at any time by notifying us or via the unsubscribe link in our email communication. The legal basis for this processing is your explicit consent (Article 6 1, a GDPR);
  • Conduct satisfaction studies or surveys to adapt and improve our services or products. The legal basis is your explicit consent (Article 6, 1 a GDPR);
  • Help us establish, exercise, or defend legal rights. These may include situations where we need to obtain legal advice regarding legal proceedings where we are required by law to retain or disclose certain information as part of legal proceedings. The legal basis for our processing is our legitimate interest and compliance with legal and regulatory provisions (Article 6, 1 f and Article 6, 1 c GDPR).
  • Ensure the security of our services and websites/blogs. In this case, we use your personal data to help us verify the activities of users of our services, websites, or blogs, to promote security and prevent any potentially illegal activity or violation of our terms or policies. This processing is based on our legitimate interest in contributing to the security of our services and property (Article 6, 1 f GDPR).
  • Ensure the security of our premises and buildings. This processing is based on our legitimate interest in ensuring the security of our premises, the confidentiality of our trade secrets, and the safety of people within our premises (Article 6, 1 f GDPR).

If the legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest, Traduqo ensures that the impact of processing on your privacy is as limited as possible and that, in any case, the balance between Traduqo’s legitimate interests and those of its partners and the possible impact on your privacy protection is not disturbed. If you have objections to these processes, you can exercise your explicit right to object below.

Traduqo will refrain from selling or renting your personal data to third parties unless you have authorized it.

4. What are your rights regarding the processing of your personal data by Traduqo, and who can I contact?

You have rights regarding the processing of your personal data. If Traduqo requests your explicit consent for a particular data processing, you can always subsequently withdraw your consent at any time.

Your main rights are as follows:

Right to access your personal data

You can access your personal data at any time. Just contact us at the address mentioned below (Data Controller). We will then provide you with the most comprehensive overview of your data, purposes, recipients of these data, retention periods, and the existence of automated decision-making.

Right to rectify your data

It may happen that the data in our possession is no longer up to date or correct. You can request that these data be corrected or completed at any time. However, you must specify the data you want to be rectified or completed.

Right to restrict the processing of your data

You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data under certain conditions, namely:

  • When you dispute the accuracy of these data;
  • When you have objected to the processing, and we are in a period of verification to determine whether the legitimate grounds pursued by the data controller prevail over those of the data subject;
  • When you believe that the processing of your personal data would be unlawful but do not wish to exercise your right to erasure of your data;
  • When we no longer need your personal data for the purposes listed above, but you need them in the context of legal action.

Right to object

If it seems to you that your personal data is not being used appropriately, you can object to its processing as long as the processing is based on our legitimate interests or your explicit consent and that this opposition is based on reasons relating to your particular situation. To exercise this right, you must indicate which specific processing you are objecting to and for what specific reasons. This information is necessary to ensure the balance of interests involved.

Please note that we will not be able to comply with your objection request if:

  • We can demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your data that override your interests or another reason justifying the continued processing of your personal data (e.g., legal obligation); or
  • We process your data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Right to data portability

If your personal data is processed in the context of contractual obligations or explicit consent and using automated processes, you have the right to request that your personal data be transferred to you in a commonly used structured format, or be transferred to another data controller designated by you. However, the Privacy Law imposes some limitations on this right, which is therefore not applicable to all data.

Right to erasure of personal data

You can request that we delete your personal data under the conditions permitted by the GDPR by simply asking. However, this right is not absolute. The exercise of this right can only be implemented in the following cases:

  • The personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected;
  • The data subject withdraws the consent on which the processing is based, and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
  • The data subject objects to the processing, and there is no compelling legitimate ground for the processing or if the data subject objects to processing for direct marketing purposes;
  • The personal data has been unlawfully processed;
  • The personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation provided by Union or Belgian law;
  • The personal data has been collected in connection with the offer of information society services.

Right to file a complaint

You have the right to file a complaint against any violation of your rights with the supervisory authority (contact details below) if you believe our company has not acted in accordance with the applicable legislation (contact of the supervisory authority under the article “Data Controller”).

You can exercise your rights, ask us any questions or comments about this statement at the address mentioned under the article “Data Controller.” We will do our best to process your request as soon as possible, and in any case, within one month (subject to extensions permitted by law).

5. Data Controller of your data

In accordance with Regulation 2016/679, the data controller of your personal data is:


Rue de la fontaine 62a B – 4670 Blegny BE 0762.535.212

To contact us, you can address your requests directly to the Data Manager at the following email address or at the postal address mentioned above:

Please note that this email address can only be used for privacy-related inquiries.

For any request, we may ask you for proof of your identity by providing a copy of an identity document. We may also request any additional information we deem necessary regarding your request. In case of access to the information we hold about you, we will not charge you for this access unless your request is “manifestly unfounded or excessive.” In this case, we may charge you reasonable administrative fees as permitted by law.

Supervisory Authority

The supervisory authority in Belgium can be contacted as follows: By phone: (+32) (0)2 274 48 00 Fax: +32 (0)2 274 48 35 Email: contact(at) By mail: Supervisory Authority, Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

6. Security

Traduqo has implemented numerous technical, physical, and organizational security measures to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data for individuals interacting with Traduqo.

Traduqo has, in particular, implemented security techniques to protect personal data stored on computer servers against unauthorized access, inappropriate use, alterations, unlawful or accidental destruction, and accidental loss.

Traduqo is committed to continuous monitoring and improvement of its security procedures to account for new technologies or emerging risks.

Traduqo has also established contracts and imposed specific obligations on its subcontractors, partners, or staff to ensure that both manual and electronic processing of any personal data is handled confidentially and with appropriate security measures to prevent misuse of such data.

If you suspect misuse, loss, or unauthorized access to your personal information, please inform us immediately:

7. Who has access to my personal data?

We may share your personal data with the following categories of individuals provided they have an imperative need to know your personal data for the mission requested on a ‘need-to-know’ basis:

  • Our collaborators who handle your case (employees, independents, partners);
  • Collaborators of tax, insurance, mutual, bank, or any other public organizations when the law or any other regulation requires that your personal data be communicated;
  • Suppliers of goods or services represented on our platform with whom you have contracted/subscribed via our platform.

8. Will my personal data be transferred outside the European Union?

In the course of its missions, Traduqo works with companies based in Belgium, and the servers of its websites are located within the European Union. In principle, no personal data is stored outside the European Union.

If Traduqo is required to communicate your personal data to providers, partners, joint ventures, or subsidiaries based outside the European Economic Area, standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission will be imposed on the recipient if personal data protection is not sufficiently ensured in the destination country.

9. How long will my personal data be kept?

We retain your personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

In principle, we will delete your personal data from our systems in the absence of contact with you following a question asked or in case of non-use of our services after an uninterrupted period of 30 months.

If you have opened a personal account on one of our sites, the personal data encoded on your account will be retained for the duration of your account and for a period of 30 months from its closure.

For participation in any other service offer with Traduqo, we retain your personal data after a period of five years from the end of the contract that binds us. However, we may retain your personal data for a longer period if the law or a regulation requires it.

For personal data of our partners’ or clients’ collaborators, the personal data will be deleted after a period of 2 years after we are informed by our partner or client that you no longer work for them.

For job candidates at Traduqo, personal data will be retained for a maximum period of 2 years after the selection period ends.

We may also retain your data, notably billing or contractual, for periods imposed on us by any applicable law or regulation.

10. Changes and amendments

We may occasionally make changes to this Privacy Statement to primarily adapt to new regulatory requirements. Any changes take effect immediately after the publication of the updated Privacy Statement. In case of a substantial change, a notification will be prominently displayed before they take effect or will be directly sent to you. When you continue to use our services after the effective date of the amended Privacy Statement, we will consider that you accept these changes.